CommercialILCImprovement Location Certificate (ILC)

"Improvement location certificate" means a representation of the boundaries of a parcel of land and the improvements thereon, prepared pursuant to section 38-51-108. That it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines.

I hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for .... (individual or firm) ...., that it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, .... (insert date) ...., except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted.


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